Kings Cup
Age Range
How Many Players
Play Time?
1-3 Hours
King's Cup is a popular drinking game that is typically played with a group of people. The game involves drawing cards from a deck, with each card having a specific rule or action associated with it. The rules vary depending on the version of the game being played, but common rules include assigning drinks, creating a rule that everyone must follow, and performing challenges or dares.
Ways to Play
Reverse Kings Cup: In this variation, the regular game is played in reverse order. This means that the person who draws a card has to give the instructions to the person on their left. This can make the game more challenging and confusing.
Category Kings Cup: For this variant, each card has a category associated with it. When a card is drawn, the player must come up with something that fits the category. For example, if the category is "types of fruit," the player might say "apple" or "banana." If they can't think of anything, they have to take a drink.
Movie Kings Cup: In this version, each card is associated with a movie or TV show. When a card is drawn, the player must act out a scene from the movie or TV show. If other players can guess the movie or TV show, they don't have to drink. If no one can guess it, the player who drew the card has to take a drink.
Speed Kings Cup: This variant is played at a faster pace than the regular game. When a card is drawn, the first person to perform the action gets to give out the drinks. This can make the game more exciting and competitive.
Single Rule Kings Cup: In this version, only one rule is in effect throughout the entire game. For example, every time a player draws a two, they have to take a drink. This simplifies the game and allows players to focus on one rule instead of trying to remember multiple rules.
Truth or Dare Kings Cup: In this variant, each card is associated with a truth or a dare. When a player draws a card, they have to choose between answering a truth question or completing a dare. If they refuse, they have to take a drink.
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