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2+ Hours
Thumper is a drinking game that involves players sitting in a circle, with one person starting a rhythmic beat on the table or floor with their hands. The rest of the players then follow along by thumping their fists on the table or floor twice, and then pointing at another player to continue the beat. The game involves a lot of fast-paced hand movements and shouting, and can get quite chaotic as the tempo increases.
Ways to Play
Reverse Thumper: In this variant, instead of performing the action and calling someone else's name, the person calls someone else's name and then performs the action. This can create some confusion and make the game more challenging.
Strip Thumper: This is a risqué version of the game where players have to remove a piece of clothing each time they make a mistake or fail to perform the action correctly.
Thumper Relay: Split into teams, each person on the team must complete the action before passing the Thumper to the next person in line. The first team to complete the relay wins.
Thumper Truth or Dare: After a mistake is made, the player can choose to either perform the action or choose truth or dare. If they choose truth, they must answer a personal question truthfully, and if they choose dare, they must perform a silly or embarrassing task.
Thumper Truth or Dare: After a mistake is made, the player can choose to either perform the action or choose truth or dare. If they choose truth, they must answer a personal question truthfully, and if they choose dare, they must perform a silly or embarrassing task.
Category Thumper: Instead of performing an action, the person must name an item in a given category, such as types of fruit or colors. If they can't think of one, they drink.
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