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Speed Sorting

Players must sort out candies by color in one minute.

Speed Sorting

Game Play

  • Prepare a collection of objects with different colors, shapes, or categories.

  • Players have one minute to sort the objects into their respective groups based on the given criteria.

  • The sorting can be based on color, size, shape, or any other predetermined characteristic.

  • Players must sort the objects one at a time, placing them in the correct groups.

  • The player who successfully sorts the highest number of objects into the correct groups within the time limit wins the game.


Reverse Sorting: Instead of sorting objects into different groups, players must sort them into a single group based on the given criteria. For example, sort objects based on a specific color while ignoring all other colors.

Blindfolded Speed Sorting: Blindfold the players and have them rely on touch or other senses to sort the objects into their respective groups within the time limit.

Relay Sorting: Divide players into teams and set up multiple sets of objects and sorting stations. Each team member must quickly sort a batch of objects before passing them to the next team member. The team that completes the most accurate sorts within the time limit wins the game.

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