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Light-hearted and nostalgic questions that take you back to your childhood innocence and whimsical beliefs.

Never have I ever believed in the Tooth Fairy or Santa Claus.
Never have I ever had an imaginary friend.
Never have I ever worn mismatched socks on purpose.
Never have I ever built a sandcastle at the beach.
Never have I ever believed in ghosts or supernatural beings.
Never have I ever played dress-up as a child.
Never have I ever kissed a poster of my celebrity crush.
Never have I ever believed that my toys had feelings.
Never have I ever tried to fly like a superhero.
Never have I ever stayed up all night waiting for Santa Claus.
Never have I ever collected trading cards or stickers.
Never have I ever had a pet rock or imaginary pet.
Never have I ever danced in front of the mirror pretending to be a pop star.
Never have I ever owned a diary with a lock and key.
Never have I ever played "house" or "doctor" as a kid.
Never have I ever believed that wishes made at 11:11 would come true.
Never have I ever had a lemonade stand as a child.
Never have I ever written a letter to the Tooth Fairy.
Never have I ever had a crush on a cartoon character.
Never have I ever believed that stepping on a crack would break my mother's back.
Never have I ever had a pretend tea party with stuffed animals.
Never have I ever played hopscotch or jump rope.
Never have I ever had a favorite blanket or stuffed animal as a child.
Never have I ever fallen asleep during a movie in the theater.
Never have I ever made a wish while blowing out birthday candles.
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