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Game of Thrones

Game of Thrones is a fantasy drama series and book saga depicting the power struggles among noble families as they vie for control of the Iron Throne of Westeros.

Game of Thrones





Q: Who is known as the Mother of Dragons? A: Daenerys Targaryen

Q: What is the name of Jon Snow's direwolf? A: Ghost

Q: Who sits on the Iron Throne at the end of the TV series? A: Bran Stark

Q: What is the name of the continent where most of the story takes place? A: Westeros

Q: Who wrote the "A Song of Ice and Fire" book series? A: George R.R. Martin

Q: What is the name of the Stark family's ancestral home? A: Winterfell

Q: Which character says, "Winter is coming"? A: Ned Stark

Q: What are the first names of the Lannister siblings? A: Cersei, Jaime, and Tyrion

Q: What is the name of Arya Stark's sword? A: Needle

Q: Who is the eldest Stark child? A: Robb Stark

Q: What is the motto of House Lannister? A: Hear Me Roar!

Q: Who is the youngest daughter of Cersei Lannister? A: Myrcella Baratheon

Q: What title does Khal Drogo hold? A: Dothraki Khal

Q: Who is known as the Kingslayer? A: Jaime Lannister

Q: What city is known as the capital of the Seven Kingdoms? A: King's Landing

Q: Who is the Lord Commander of the Night's Watch at the beginning of the series? A: Jeor Mormont

Q: What is the name of the Wall's massive fortress at its eastern end? A: Eastwatch-by-the-Sea

Q: Which house's sigil is a direwolf? A: House Stark

Q: What metal is used to kill White Walkers? A: Dragonglass

Q: Who is Jon Snow's mother? A: Lyanna Stark

Q: Who was the Mad King? A: Aerys II Targaryen

Q: What is the name of the poison that killed Joffrey Baratheon? A: The Strangler

Q: Who trains Arya Stark at the House of Black and White? A: Jaqen H'ghar

Q: What is the name of Sansa Stark's first direwolf? A: Lady

Q: Who is the leader of the Wildlings? A: Mance Rayder

Q: Which character is known as the Red Woman? A: Melisandre

Q: What is the name of Theon's sister? A: Yara Greyjoy

Q: Who is responsible for the creation of the Night King? A: The Children of the Forest

Q: What is the Iron Bank's city? A: Braavos

Q: Who is the commander of the Unsullied? A: Grey Worm

Q: What is the name of the giant dragon skull in the Red Keep? A: Balerion

Q: Who does Sansa Stark marry first? A: Tyrion Lannister

Q: What was the name of the youngest Stark boy? A: Rickon Stark

Q: What is the name of the ancestral Valyrian steel sword of House Tarly? A: Heartsbane

Q: Which house is known for their phrase "As High as Honor"? A: House Arryn

Q: Who is the ruler of Dorne? A: Prince Doran Martell

Q: What is the name of the sellsword company Daenerys hires? A: The Second Sons

Q: Who killed Renly Baratheon? A: Shadow creature birthed by Melisandre

Q: What is the name of Samwell Tarly's father? A: Randyll Tarly

Q: Who was the Hand of the King before Ned Stark? A: Jon Arryn

Q: What is the name of the maester at Castle Black? A: Maester Aemon

Q: Who built the Iron Throne? A: Aegon the Conqueror

Q: What is the original name of the Hound? A: Sandor Clegane

Q: Who is the captain of the ship Black Wind? A: Davos Seaworth

Q: What is the Valyrian steel sword of House Lannister called? A: Widow's Wail

Q: Who is the mother of King Robert Baratheon's illegitimate children? A: Mya Stone

Q: What is the name of Oberyn Martell's paramour? A: Ellaria Sand

Q: Who served as Hand of the King to Robert Baratheon? A: Jon Arryn

Q: What is the motto of House Greyjoy? A: We Do Not Sow

Q: Who played the role of Daenerys Targaryen in the TV series? A: Emilia Clarke

Q: What is the name of the blade that Arya Stark uses to kill the Night King? A: Catspaw dagger

Q: What language do the Unsullied speak? A: Low Valyrian

Q: Who becomes the Lord of Storm's End after the War of the Five Kings? A: Gendry Baratheon

Q: What is the name of the Stark family’s ancestral sword, which was later reforged? A: Ice

Q: Who is known as the Last Dragon? A: Rhaegar Targaryen

Q: What is the seat of House Tully? A: Riverrun

Q: Who poisons King Tommen's wife, Margaery Tyrell? A: Cersei Lannister (indirectly with wildfire)

Q: What is the name of Brienne of Tarth's sword? A: Oathkeeper

Q: What is the real name of Ramsay Snow? A: Ramsay Bolton

Q: Who is the father of Samwell Tarly's wife, Gilly? A: Craster

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