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Baby Shower

Tailored for celebrating the upcoming arrival of a baby. Truth questions revolve around parenthood experiences and baby-related topics. Baby-themed dares add a playful and interactive element to the celebration.

Baby Shower


What was your first reaction when you found out the mom-to-be was expecting?

Share a piece of parenting advice you would give to the expecting parents.

What is your favorite baby name suggestion for the new arrival?

Have you ever had any funny or unusual cravings during pregnancy?

What is the most heartwarming baby-related story or moment you've experienced?

Share a parenting mistake you've made and what you learned from it.

What is your favorite childhood memory that involves babies or young children?

What is your go-to gift for a baby shower?

Share a parenting hack or tip that has been a lifesaver for you.

What is the funniest baby-related mishap or blunder you've witnessed?

Describe a baby-related superstition or old wives' tale that you've heard.

Share a baby-related tradition or custom from your culture or family.

What is your favorite children's book or lullaby?

Describe a memorable baby shower or gender reveal party you've attended.

Share a heartwarming or funny story about your own experience as a parent or sibling.

What is the most important quality you believe parents should possess?

What is your favorite baby product or gadget that you highly recommend?

Share a piece of advice for maintaining a healthy work-life balance as a new parent.

Describe a funny or heartwarming reaction you've seen from a sibling upon meeting their new baby brother or sister.

What is your favorite baby-related activity or game to engage in with little ones?

Share a baby-related myth or misconception that you'd like to debunk.

Describe a creative or unique baby shower theme or decoration idea you've seen or heard of.

What is your favorite way to bond with a newborn baby?

Share a piece of advice for getting through those sleepless nights as a parent.

What is your favorite parenting quote or saying that inspires you?

Share a piece of parenting advice you received that you found particularly helpful.

What is the most heartwarming thing you've seen a sibling do for their new baby brother or sister?

Describe a baby-related item or gadget that you wish had existed when you were a new parent.

Share a funny or memorable story about a baby's first word.

What is your favorite memory from your own baby shower or gender reveal party?

Share a unique or creative way you've seen parents announce the gender of their baby.

What is one thing you wish someone had told you before becoming a parent?

Describe a baby-related superstition or old wives' tale that you find interesting or amusing.

Share a fun or unusual tradition related to babies that is unique to your family or culture.

What is your favorite memory of the mom-to-be or dad-to-be when they were a child?

Describe a parenting challenge you anticipate or have experienced, and how you handled it.

Share a funny or memorable story about a diaper-changing mishap.

What is your favorite baby-related song or nursery rhyme that brings back nostalgic memories?

Share a parenting milestone or accomplishment that made you particularly proud.

Describe a funny or surprising thing you've witnessed a baby do.

What is the most unexpected or creative baby announcement you've seen or heard of?

Share a piece of advice for creating a loving and nurturing environment for a newborn.

What is your favorite way to comfort or soothe a crying baby?

Describe a baby-related DIY project or craft that you've attempted or seen others do.

Share a heartwarming or funny story about a sibling's reaction to becoming an older brother or sister.

What is the most valuable lesson you've learned from a baby or young child?

Describe a baby shower game or activity that you find particularly enjoyable or entertaining.

Share a baby-related quote or saying that resonates with you.

What is your favorite memory of the mom-to-be or dad-to-be as a teenager or young adult?

Share a piece of advice for maintaining a strong and loving partnership while raising a child.


Sing a lullaby to a baby doll or teddy bear.

Perform a dance routine that represents the excitement of becoming a parent.

Baby talk for the next three rounds of the game.

Create a diaper out of paper towels and put it on another guest.

Use a blindfold to change a baby doll's diaper within a specified time limit.

Drink from a baby bottle filled with a non-alcoholic beverage.

Recreate a famous nursery rhyme with exaggerated gestures and expressions.

Put a baby bonnet or bib on and keep it on for the rest of the game.

Talk in a high-pitched voice as if you're addressing a baby for the next three rounds.

Create a baby-themed artwork using crayons or colored pencils within a time limit.

Feed another guest a spoonful of baby food blindfolded.

Walk around with a pillow under your shirt to experience the feeling of being pregnant.

Play a game of "Pin the Pacifier on the Baby" with a blindfold.

Talk about your favorite baby product or essential in a funny and exaggerated commercial style.

Recite a made-up lullaby or nursery rhyme about the mom-to-be or dad-to-be.

Attempt to name as many baby animals as you can within a minute.

Drink a cup of water without using your hands, pretending to be a baby.

Put a baby bib on and attempt to eat a messy food

Perform a silly baby-themed dance routine in front of the group.

Sing a baby lullaby in your best opera voice.

Wear a bib and attempt to eat a baby food combination chosen by the group.

Change a baby doll's diaper blindfolded within a specified time limit.

Walk around with a pacifier in your mouth for the rest of the game.

Carry a baby doll and mimic the movements and sounds of a real baby for one minute.

Play a game of "Guess the Baby Food" blindfolded and identify the flavors correctly.

Create a baby-themed artwork using your non-dominant hand within a time limit.

Use baby talk for the next three rounds of the game.

Attempt to wrap a baby doll in a swaddle blanket blindfolded within a specified time limit.

Perform a baby-themed magic trick using common household objects.

Drink from a baby bottle while being timed to see how fast you can finish.

Play a game of "Pin the Diaper on the Baby" blindfolded.

Talk about your favorite baby name suggestion in an exaggerated and enthusiastic manner.

Attempt to name as many nursery rhymes as you can within a minute.

Eat a baby-sized portion of mashed bananas without using your hands.

Put on a pair of oversized baby booties and walk around the room.

Perform a baby-themed rap about parenthood or the upcoming baby.

Carry a baby doll and sing a lullaby while rocking it back and forth.

Attempt to feed another guest a spoonful of mashed baby food blindfolded.

Play a game of "Baby Trivia" and answer baby-related questions within a time limit.

Wear a diaper made out of toilet paper and keep it on for the rest of the game.

Perform a baby-themed puppet show using socks or stuffed animals.

Drink a cup of apple juice while pretending to be a baby.

Do your best impersonation of a crying baby and see who can guess the most accurate imitation.

Put a diaper on a stuffed animal blindfolded within a specified time limit.

Perform a baby-themed tongue twister without stumbling or pausing.

Take a selfie with a baby-related prop or accessory and share it with the group.

Play a game of "Baby Charades" and act out baby-related words or actions for others to guess.

Create a baby-themed piece of artwork using only your fingers and non-toxic paint.

Wear a bib and attempt to eat a baby food combination created by the group.

Write and perform a short comedic skit about the challenges of parenting, using props or costumes.

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