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  • Suck the part of your body you most like sucked

  • Put on a role play outfit to impress the group.

  • Pick another member and fulfill a virtual fantasy of their choice

  • Stroke a pleasure zone for the next 5 rounds or until you cum

  • Fuck a fruit

  • Speak dirty until someone flashes you

  • Convince someone to DM you a naughty pic

  • Suck your nipple

  • Naughty closeup

  • Shower/Water time

  • Make an enticing offer using your mouth and lips only with no sound until someone guesses what you are saying

  • Entice someone to masturbate

  • Entice someone to do a strip tease 

  • Masturbate

  • Perform a strip tease

  • Pick someone from the group and touch yourself while you ask them 5 random, non sexual questions about their life

  • Decorate your naked body with anything that isn’t a fabric of any kind

  • Put duct tape or any strong tape across your nipple and pull it off slowly and seductively while begging for more in the funniest voice possible

  • Do your five cheesiest pick up lines to a hottie here

  • Show & Tell 2 of your favorite sex toys

  • Melt an ice cube on either a nip or in your ass

  • Hide & Seek:  Put a mark or sticker on your body that we can’t see and pick random players to guess where it is until someone finds it.  Then reveal it 

  • Twist a nipple until the timer runs out

  • Give yourself a giant wedgie

  • Say the words “Fuck Me” as sexy as possible to each player until someone says yes.

  • Sing, “I’m a little teapot” as sexy as possible while doing the moves

  • Furiously masturbate for 30 seconds while saying “I’m BATIN!”  

  • Slat a clit 10 times!    Either yours or convince someone to do theirs for you

  • Slap a nut 10 times!  Either yours or convince someone to do theirs for you

  • Naked Song….Audience Choice  (Just take something off...it’s hard to sing and strip!) 

  • Naked Song….Your choice  (Just take something off...it’s hard to sing and strip!)

  • Stick anything up your butt

  • Perform a self massage for 1 minute

  • Lick yourself like you mean it

  • Improvise a porn scene you love with NO sound of any kind

  • Crossdress Time!

  • You have 1 minute to excite someone by acting out your dream kiss with them

  • 10 Naked Jumping Jacks or Sit Ups

  • Flash the room

  • Beg someone to spank you to a count of 10

  • Impersonate a famous person fucking

  • Eat candy or an ice cube seductively

  • Mime the best blowjob ever

  • Pick someone randomly and create a sex scene for them.  You can ask them 3 yes/no questions first. 

  • Turn on music of your choice and do a strip tease for everyone

  • Do a strip tease for the group, using music of their choice

  • Convince someone to remove an article of clothing

  • Remove an article of clothing, using only 1 hand

  • Remove an article of clothing, using NO hands

  • Do your best orgasm while locking eyes with the random person selected. 

  • Sex toy show and tell

  • Read your last 3 Fet messages (NO NAMES!  RUDE) or dirty messages aloud

  • Show us the sexiest photo you have of yourself

  • Put yourself into your favorite sex position.  Use props if needed

  • Spell your favorite color using only your tongue (no sound) until it’s guessed

  • Time to get sticky in the Hive!  Grab some honey or peanut butter or anything sticky and slime up those fingers and give us a good licking show. 

  • Stimulate two parts of your body at once, pat one using your hand and swirl the other with your tongue.

  • Order a sex toy online & send it to someone or yourself

  • Give a hand job

  • For 60 seconds, touch yourself like you would touch player ______

  • Dip a Nip!   Dunk that nipple into either mouthwash or icy/hot or ice

  • Act out your last sex fail/flop using anything or anyone around the house (pillow, sex doll, your spouse...whatevs)

  • Lightly trace your lips with your fingers as you slowly say “I’m Coming” 10 times

  • Convince someone to orgasm with your name

  • Convince someone to take this extreme, mystery dare.  If they don’t complete the task, they get booted from the game. 

  • Draw your favorite sex word on your body and show it off

  • Ice cube Insert

  • Grab a banana (or anything) to show how far you can throat it

  • Lap Dance 

  • Pick a Dick!  Choose who has the larger cock between the two randomly selected players

  • Kneel and beg

  • Pick another member and both agree to wear or insert the same object

  • Pick a member and assign your own dare to them

  • Pick another member who will assign a dare to you to complete

  • Show us your signature sex moves

  • Call a friend and convince them your business idea to open up a Naked hummingbird watching retreat is amazing and see if you can get them to help you name it (put them on speaker)

  • Send a naughty text to someone 

  • Covid-19 Temperature check - Players decide oral or anal

  • Pick a player and attempt to guess one of their kinks

  • Pick any player to assign you a dare to do 

  • Call a friend you were with recently and convince them you have Covid-19 but only in your junk and that you heard if someone sucks it out within 24 hours you will be ok and they will be immune.   

  • Close your eyes, scroll through your contacts list and tell me the sexiest thing about the person you land on.

  • Sing the chorus of a song you’ve had sex to.

  • Suck on your finger and simultate performing oral sex for 30 seconds.

  • Call and order a pizza place and convince them you need a “special delivery”, extra saucy...if you know what I mean

  • Send a suggestive text message to someone on your phone.

  • Put on a blindfold and play 3 rounds not being able to see.  

  • For the rest of the game, anytime someone reveals a naked sexual part, you have to say loudly, “MMMMMMM MMMMMMM”  like you are so hungry for what they have shown.  

  • Put something edible in your forearm and lick it off.

  • Send a message to someone you’ve slept with describing a dirty dream you’ve had about them.

  • Call/text a friend and explain that you have a diaper fetish and you need XXXL Huggies immediately.

  • Take off your shirt for the rest of the game.

  • Take off your pants for the rest of the game.

  • Cum in a room where you’ve never had sex before.

  • Close your eyes and describe what I look like in detail.

  • Put a blindfold on, stick your tongue out, and stay like that for 2 rounds.

  • Get something from the fridge and eat it as seductively as possible.

  • For the rest of the game, pretend you are a horny nurse who needs to check everyone’s temperature when they cough/sneeze by getting them to bend over. 

  • Show me with your hands what you want my tongue to do.

  • Try to turn me on using touch, but you can only touch your arms and hands.

  • Pick up any book or magazine in the room and read from it as seductively as possible.

  • Send a filthy text using only emojis

  • Create a short sex story using specifics from the next 3 players dares or truths and read it aloud when requested.  

  • Draw a picture of one of the other players and have everyone guess who it is (no words) 

  • Reveal a lie you have told

  • Open Instagram and let the players pick a random first name you read aloud.  Once selected, like every single photo they have for the last year

  • Pick any random player.  They will now own you for the rest of the game and can give you instructions to follow (outside of hard limits).  Pick wisely.  

  • Eat or drink whatever you have near you as interestingly as possible

  • Go around the room and guess everyone’s kink

  • Tell a friend that you need the 36inch dildo from Amazon to get through the next lockdown and get them to admit they need one too.  


  • What sex act would you never do again and why?

  • What’s the least amount of time you’ve known someone before you’ve had sex with them?  Give the details you filthy animal!

  • Who is the most inappropriate person/thing you’ve had a sexual fantasy about?

  • What’s a sex act most people like that you think is overrated?

  • If you had to choose between only oral sex or only penetrative sex for the rest of your life, which one would you pick?

  • Is sex better when you’re in love, or better when the other person is hot and mysterious?

  • What is the largest age gap you’ve had between you and someone you’ve had sex with?

  • Do you know the last name of everyone you’ve had sex with?

  • How many sex partners do you believe is “too many”?  

  • What’s #1 on your sexual fucket list right now?

  • How many virgins have you deflowered?  

  • Would you rather dominate someone or be dominated?

  • What do you think is the sexiest body part of the opposite sex?

  • What do you think is the sexiest body part of your same sex?

  • What’s something most people don’t like in bed, but you can’t get enough of?

  • What’s the sexiest thing anyone’s ever said to you?

  • What’s the least sexy thing anyone’s ever said to you (while trying to be sexy)?

  • If you had the power to give or receive unlimited orgasms, what would you pick?

  • What kind of porn did you last watch?

  • If you had to fuck one animal, what animal would you pick?

  • How old do you think is “too old” for someone to still be a virgin?

  • If you could have one sexual superpower, what would it be?

  • What is a somewhat weird fetish that you would actually try?

  • What fictional character do you have sexual fantasies about?

  • What’s the first thing you’d do if you could inhabit the body of the opposite sex for one hour?

  • What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever done while masturbating?

  • If you had to choose between having sex with one person for the rest of your life or never being able to have sex with the same person more than once, what would you pick?

  • Would you rather pay someone to put on a striptease for you (they aren’t allowed to touch), pay someone to cuddle and massage you while wearing non-sexy clothes, or pay someone to talk dirty over the phone but never be able to see them?

  • What’s the least sexual thing I’ve done that has gotten you aroused?

  • If you were forced to have sex with someone in your extended family, who would you pick?

  • What’s a common fetish that you would never try in real life?

  • What do you wish someone would have told you about sex way earlier?

  • Has anyone ever caught you having sex with someone you weren't supposed to?

  • What non-sexual part of your body turns you on the most when touched?

  • What’s the biggest lie you’ve told in order to get someone into bed?

  • Have you ever kicked someone out of your bed immediately after having sex?

  • Have you ever had sex with more than one person at a time?

  • What one sexual experience would you want to erase from your memory?

  • What one sexual experience do you think about most often?

  • What’s the least amount of time that’s passed between you having sex with two different people?

  • What is your favorite part of foreplay?

  • If you could double the amount in your bank account or double the amount of sexual partners you’ve had, which would you pick?

  • Would you rather sleep with only insanely hot people or sleep with only people who think you’re insanely hot?

  • How much money would your boss have to offer you before you slept with him or her?

  • What’s the most public place you have fucked someone?

  • Do you have any sex tapes or are you on pornhub?

  • What’s your biggest sexual fear?

  • What is the dirtiest thing you got into trouble for when you were younger? 

  • Have you ever been exposed/ousted for your kinks?

  • What are your current fears? 

  • Jeffrey Epstein...suicide or murder?  

  • Carol Baskin...Did she do it? 

  • What’s the meanest thing you have ever done to someone? 

  • What’s something you did for someone that they don’t know? 

  • If you could choose to see anyone here naked, who would it be? 

  • How many times a week do you have sex?

  • Would you rather naughty maid or a sexy Doctor?

  • Hot wax or ice cubes?

  • Would you rather not be able to see during sex or not be able to touch during sex?

  • Would you rather receive oral or give oral?

  • Would you rather watch something erotic, or read something erotic?”

  • Would you rather have sex with just one person watching, or would you rather have sex with 50 people watching?

  • Would you rather have one or multiple sexual partners at the same time?

  • Would you rather pay for having sex, or get paid for it?

  • Would you rather have sex on a bed filled with stains or in a smelly bathroom stall?

  • Would you rather fuck in extreme cold or extreme heat?

  • Would you rather be caught cheating or catch your spouse/partner cheating?

  • Would you rather have amazing sex that lasts 47 seconds or have average sex that lasts 10 minutes?

  • Would you rather have sex in the morning or at night?

  • Would you rather have your hair pulled or slapped on the butt?

  • Would you rather mistakenly send nudes to your boss or your mother?

  • Would you rather have sex only with the first person you did it with or have sex only with the last person you did it with?

  • Would you rather do it in an abandoned building or a public park?”

  • Would you rather snort cocaine or snort a guy’s load?

  • Tell us how your orgasm feels using fruit instead of body parts

  • Out of the players here, who would you pick to join you for a threesome?

  • What is the most embarrassing sexual moment that has ever happened to you?

  • What is your role playing fantasy?

  • What or who do you think about when you are masturbating? 

  • Tell us about your first time

  • Does size matter? 

  • What would you do if you woke up tomorrow with unlimited means (and no covid)? 

  • What is the cruelest thing you could think of to do to someone? 

  • What is the nicest thing anyone has ever done for you? 

  • What is the last thing that aroused you? 

  • Pick a children’s rhyme or story and read it in the most seductive voice possible

  • Pick out two items from the fridge (or improvise) and use them to portray a sexual act. 

  • Put on a winter coat and tell us a dirty joke

  • Flirt with the first person you see

  • Put on all the underwear you have and show off the look

  • Change into the hottest outfit you have

  • Crawl as sexy as possible across the floor

  • Grab a broom and pretend it’s a stripper pole and do your sexiest dance with it. 

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